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Reservation service

It is possible to manage facility reservations, service reservations, salon reservations, seminar reservations, web course reservations, and make advance payments.

Customer management

The customer management required by the service system is possible.


Possibility of homepage proposed by V's VSION


We can manage everything from product management to payment management, such as in-house product sales, service sales, and download sales.

Actually see and operate

Solidify the mounting image


Monthly payment management and payment are possible, such as regular seminars, regular service provision, subscriptions, and regular sales.

Home: Gallery

Various purposes of operating the site

The sites you want to create vary widely depending on the company and people.

It is possible to assist the site you want to create and the business you provide at a low price.

My design

Information you want to convey and services you want to provide

You can tell yourself

You can create the page you want to convey with a completely different approach from the rules so far.

Furthermore, you can easily build subscriptions for online sales, online seminars, data provision services, etc.


Homepage built-in function



You can experience a sample of e-commerce, which is indispensable for the online sales business. Please try the screen image and screen transition in actual operation.

Online reservation

You can experience a sample of online reservations that are indispensable for seminars and store visit reservations. Please try the screen image and screen transition in actual operation.


You can experience a sample of the generalized provision form "subscription". Please try the screen image and screen transition in actual operation.

Instagram update

Arrange Instagram photos like a collage and click on your favorite photo to see details. Also, you can freely increase or decrease the number of photos.

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